Covenant Partners

This year, we are "beta testing" a system of membership we are calling a Covenant Partnership. This Covenant Partnership will not fully replace our current membership system until it is voted on in November of 2025 for 2026. 

Thank you for your interest in helping us test it out! You're probably here because you are ready to dive into the formative journey of Covenant Partnership and you've heard a lot about it at Hope. We fully recognize that there are still many questions and "bugs" to work out. This is new for us too! 

Your "next step" is to browse the resources below to begin to prayerfully craft your spiritual journey in 2025. 

If you'd like to become a member in its current form, we will be holding a New Member Class on Sunday, February 9th from 11:30 am- 1 pm. Sign up HERE

  • Covenant Commitment Card

    You may have already filled this out at Hope. If so, no need to do it again! If you haven't, check it out! 


  • membership in a nutshell:

    the vision of covenant partnership

    Why does membership matter?: The purpose of church membership is to inspire, guide and mobilize the apprentices of Jesus towards the embodiment of the Kingdom of God reality. Covenant Partnership (A.K.A membership) is one pathway in the formation of our whole selves into the likenesses of Christ. Covenant Partners are formed through worship, refined in community, shaped by prayer, healed through love and sent out to be hope for the life of the world. 




    This is a tool that will helpful for some and not for others. Please feel free to take a look and decipher whether or not it will enhance your journey. Some have said that this matrix will help them stay on track in their walk this year. You may want to print it out to keep in your Bible-- or maybe not! This is just one option to have in your toolbox- it is not mandatory. 


    Copies of this are also available in the church office. 


    Our Partner Care Team is here to help you on your walk. A Partner Care Team member will meet with you once or twice a year just to see how you are doing and understand your needs, concerns, struggles.... and support you! 

  • Ways to grow


    We want to help you grow and our Discipleship Collective is a great way to begin that journey! If you're unfamiliar, the Discipleship Collective, which was rolled out in January of 2024 is a collection of 10 "pathways" led by amazing people of God, "Shepherds" who want to walk beside you and support you on our journey. 

    What's a Pathway?

    We have 10 pathways, which are listed below. We've identified these as areas of our life that can be improved upon spiritually to form us into whole followers of Jesus. 

    Pathways: Service, Stewardship, Emotional Wellbeing, Physical Wellness, Witness, Worship as Lifestyle, Christ Centered Relationships, Growing Deep Roots, Habits & Rhythms, and Empathy. 

    What is a Shepherd? 

    Each pathway has one or two shepherds that have written content, developed core experiences and recommended resources to help you grow in their area of expertise. They are there for you if you allow them to be. 

    Interested? Check out more HERE!


    We offer a variety of Bible Study opportunities. 

    • Women's Bible Study, Mondays, 6:30 pm- 8 pm
    • Men's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 6 am, 1 pm, 6:30 pm
    • Young Adult Bible Study, Sundays, 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm


    Looking for ways to serve this year! A great place to start is to join up with our Hope Care Team! The Hope Care Team (HCT) is collaborative and coordinated team of people who work with both the Lead Pastor and Spiritual Care Team to provide integrated care for the people of Hope Covenant. Our five ways include: bringing MEALS to those going through a tough time, VISITing people who are in need of companionship, performing small ACTS OF SERVICE for people, CALLing OR TEXTing to brighten someone's day, giving RIDES to those in need of transportation. 

    This system is wonderful because it is very flexible and help us all share and receive the blessings of our gifts. There no monthly meetings. Ideally everyone who attends would be on this team in some capacity. How does it work? You sign up using the link below, we activate you when a need arises. 

    CLICK HERE to join!


    The list of ways to volunteer are endless! If you're interested in any of the following or have new ideas of ways to serve, EMAIL the church office and Mischa will get you connected. 

    • HCY leader/ HCK leader/ Nursery leader
    • Properties Team: Shoveling snow, spreading salt, picking weeds, small handy-type jobs, painting, and more!  
    • People to People Ministry
    • Worship Team
    • Welcome Team: Greeters, Ushers, Welcome Desk
    • Hospitality: Coffee Crew, Bakers, Special Events, Funerals, and more!
  • Community matters


    Formation Hour, 8:45 am (CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION!)

    Worship Service, 10 am


    Each January, we hold our Annual Meeting! We also hold a one or two Congregational Meetings throughout the year. 

    Annual Report and January Meeting Recording

  • Ways to give

    If you're ready to give to the mission and vision of Hope Covenant Church, please visit our GIVING PAGE! There are a few different options available-- you can give online, by mail or by text. 

    Thank you for your generosity!

    336 4th Ave. S.

    St. Cloud, MN 56301